About Pastor Gavin

Pastor Dr. Gavin Bruce Ferrier mandated by GOD to BUILD HIS CHURCH is a founder member of COOL Ministries International – CMI 1st May 2005. I continued with my work in South Africa and networked with others in Africa and across the world. In 2010 CMI – KENYA was opened and led by Pastor Patrick Masiga and he successfully led CMI-KENYA until November 2023. Pastor Patrick due to growth in his church CMI Kenya Church in Ongata Rongan, Kenya, Africa stepped down.

In South Africa, u21Church – COOL Youth Church opened its doors on Sunday 7th September 2014 to encourage the children in the Albert Park community and beyond to believe in JESUS CHRIST and accept the LOVE and GRACE of our LORD by caring and guiding them in the right direction of life, so that they never feel alone, and are encouraged to grow in character, and develop their gifts so that they too can make a difference in the community and beyond.

We need your support as community leaders to encourage the adults in the growth and development of the community’s children, and allow us the freedom to share the gospel, care, encourage, counsel, teach, and love the children so that they grow and develop a strong character using their gifts to the best of their ability.

GOD has great plans ahead for us and we need to embrace them moving forward.


Fresh WORD from GOD on 7th October 2015 Matthew 16: 17-18 17 Jesus told him:

Simon, son of Jonah, you are blessed! You didn’t discover this on your own. It was shown to you by my Father in heaven. 18 So I will call you Peter, which means “a rock.” On this rock, I will build my church, and death itself will not have any power over it.

19 I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven, and God in heaven will allow whatever you allow on earth. But he will not allow anything that you don’t allow.

WOW, how awesome is this confirmation of GOD’s mandate upon my life. To serve GOD and build HIS CHURCH.


I continue through YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp to share the Gospel daily with ALL.


I will continue to encourage the establishment of country network offices across the world as we have with CMI-KENYA and give thanks to Pastor Patrick and his CMI-KENYA TEAM for their dedication in building the church in Kenya and across the world. Sadly, Pastor Patrick due to growth in his church CMI Kenya Church in Ongata Rongan, Kenya, Africa stepped down from CMI-KENYA country network office from November 2023. We look forward to witnessing the growth in his ministry CMI Kenya Church.

Friends if you would like to establish a CMI office in your country please communicate further with me.

COOL with us.
Pastor Dr. Gavin Bruce Ferrier – CMI
Contact +27 71 471 7111

ACRP – Religious Practitioner – Registration Number 2023-G-02793

Email: gavin@pastorgavin.com

Harvest Partners Minister’s Fraternal – eThekwini Metro, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

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